Lots of new ideas buzzing around my head. At the moment Mick and I are busy making things, trying to clear some of the 'waiting to be done something with' pile (which keeps being added to daily). We have 12 huge boxes of material in the loft to use up and a trunk full of 'might be useful one day' bits. I also have three books to finish, and a ghost writing project which has been waiting five years to be done. Somehow I need to find the time to bring everything together into some kind of manageable state. I am going to take a one week break from social media soon, to clear my head and have coffee with my sister who I haven't seen for 34 years. Hopefully, after that I will have some plan of action., and will know if Boris is letting us out long enough to get back to work. I really do need a manager/agent/promoter to sort me out, I used to be so organised but now I struggle bringing the ideas to fruition; not enough hours in the day.


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