Staying Within Confidential Boundaries

While on a weekend away in London, having some laughs about the past with a friend, I realised how wrongly certain topics could be perceived by others. As a psychic/spiritual reader you make a conscious, or unconscious, oath to abide by the rule of confidentiality and 99 % of the time this is so; in fact you would be hard pressed to remember most of the readings you give.
But, what of that other 1%?
The 1 % is made up of readings that have stood out in your mind because they are extremely traumatic, bizarre, funny or otherwise memorable. Due to the volume of readings I have given over the years the ratio of these types of readings is quite high.
It is natural that you would feel the urge to tell someone but obviously as a professional you would not share the intimate details of someone’s life with the world and its wife.
As a teacher these incidents provide a valuable learning curve not just for my students but for myself. When you are helping to bring others into the world of psychic and spiritual contact and readings these incidents act as an amazing aid when teaching about discipline and how to conduct yourself in awkward situations. In these cases I never use a client’s name or mention anything that may identify them and of course ‘what happens in circle stays in circle’.
Yes some of these incidents are hilarious and I admit I have laughed at them too. The important thing is self-control, which we all lose at some time but it is how we handle that loss of self-control that makes all the difference.
If the client is laughing (happily) themselves by all means laugh with them if you need to. If the client is distraught however you would never laugh in their face no matter how funny the situation sounds. If you really feel that you are unable to control yourself then make a quick exit. Apologise to the client and make an excuse, far better to embarrass yourself than the client (a good excuse is going to get them, and yourself, a glass of water). Only come back when you feel composed enough to continue and always apologise again. I have found myself in this situation on a few occasions.
Don’t ever say it will never happen to you because Sod’s Law says it will.
©Brenda Diskin October 11th 2018.


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